Meditation For Mother
If you are meditation lover and would like to pay back your mother's kindness, please come to meditate together since Thai Mother's Day. Show the world how much you love her...mother...the one who always besides you through thick and thin...
Meditation Homework for Daily Life
The “10 Homework” is technique to the inner happiness, to the fruitful of meditation, to be beloved person.
Basic Meditation Method
Relaxation is the heart of meditation, and it has to go hand in hand with mindfulness, no matter which meditation technigue we apply. This is the main principle that we should take into account.
Daily Meditation Sessions at Dharmasthali Meditation Center, Nepal
Dharmasthali Meditation Center, Nepal, organized daily meditation session for local Napaleses, led by Bodhisattva children who carried out the duty of a good friend
The Meditation Village in Japan arranged a meditation retreat for locals
During June 26-28, 2015, Wat phra Dhammakaya Gumma, Japan, arranged a meditation retreat for locals. This meditation retreat was well participated by a group of 10 Japanese college students and 1 teacher, under the persuasion of Ven. Phramaha Pongsak Dhaniyo.
Dhammakaya Boston Temple taught the basic meditation
Meditation for Locals // July 3, 2016 - Japanese Meditation Center, Japan
On Sunday July 3, 2016, Japanese Meditation Center of Japan, Tokyo, arranged meditation and gave a Japanese sermon by Phra Thanawut Tissaro.
Meditation for Locals // July 4, 2016 - Shiojiri, Japan
On Monday July 4, 2016, Phra Thanawut Tissaro from Japanese Meditation Center, Japan traveled to teach meditation at the Knowledge Exchange Center of Shiojiri city, Nagano Prefecture.
โครงการปฏิบัติธรรม M4U (Meditation For You)
โครงการปฏิบัติธรรม M4U ช่วยให้เยาวชนได้รับความสุขและประโยชน์จากการฝึกสมาธิในช่วงปิดภาคเรียน ยังได้รับความรู้จากพระอาจารย์ รวมทั้ง วิทยากร ด้วยการฝึกสมาธิ พร้อมทั้งการอบรมเพื่อเพิ่มพูนความรู้เกี่ยวกับการพัฒนาตนเองอย่างสร้างสรรค์
Meditation Class for Locals // Thai Buddhist Meditation Center in Tokyo, Japan
The Thai Buddhist Meditation Center in Tokyo, Japan arranged a meditation class and taught dharma in Japanese on the topic of “Warm Family, Happy Home” by Phra Somkiat Punyatejo on Sunday August 28, 2016.